Learn the art of quick and accurate assessments of joint misalignments and biomechnical dysfunction and corrections using pocket friendly drop boards and drop tables.
Submit your abstract The call for abstracts for World Physiotherapy Congress 2021 closes on 24 September 2020. Following the decision for the World Physiotherapy Congress 2021 to move to an online event, the call for abstracts was reopened. You now have only 9 days left to submit your abstract. If you had previously not submitted an […]
Sri Lanka Society of Physiotherapy in collaboration with the GPOA has organised an in-service training program onProne Positioning for ALI in COVID-19 , by D.S.N.Malaweera president of SLSP on Sept.10th,2020 from 9 to 1pm at the Neurotrauma Auditorium of NHSL
08th of September-to mark the event graciouslySri Lanka Society of Physiotherapyin collaboration with the GPOAhas organised an in-service training program onProne Positioning for ALIin COVID-19by D.S.N.Malaweera president of SLSPon Sept.10th,2020 from 9 to 1pm atthe Neurotrauma Auditorium of NHSLPhysiotherapists and students are welcomea portable electrotherapy device would be presentedfor answering 5 respiratory questions tabled at the endof the lecture, for […]